Here's a respectful perspective to our American neighbours as to why Canadians are insulted at the continuing 51st state comments - In Canada, we have a King or Queen, not a President. The King/Queen is raised their entire lives with rules of how to govern. They stay out of politics. They leave that to our Prime Minister. Our elected officials 1st have to be elected into their riding/area. If their local people do not vote them in, they cannot run for Prime Minister. Therefore they have training in advance and approval before they can decide to throw their name in the hat to run. We have 3 main parties - we feel that ensures the best balance and that our elected officials will do what is right for our country (I'm not saying there is no corruption in our government).
The middle class will pay 40% on average in taxes - we on average will not be as wealthy monetarily as our American counterparts. This 40% includes the income taxes off of our pay as well as what we pay when we purchase items for our household and to live and enjoy our lives. Our dollar is worth less so does not go as far as our American counterparts. On top of the net .60 cents of every dollar we earn is actually ours, we then realise that our .60 cents CAD is worth about .42 cents USD - In an average economical climate - today it is worth less than that.
We live in much colder climates, we pay more at the pumps for gas, as we sell it to our US friends to refine and purchase it back at a much higher cost than we sold it for. We cannot travel into the United States without government permission - from both sides of the border. We do not have the right to bear arms. We do not have unlimited right to free speech. We do have the the right to free speech - with limitations - no hate speech or discrimination speech is allowed.
We have more social programs as we believe we are only as strong as our weakest link, which is where our income taxes go. We have a strong public education school system (it's not perfect, but we do not need so many private schools - most towns and cities do not have private schools - it is public or catholic systems for the most part). We have free health care so we will not go bankrupt for having a baby or getting sick with cancer.
We are raised valuing freedom differently and 90% of us would not trade that for anything - just as I am sure that in a more stable political environment in the United States that most of you would not trade what you have to become Canadian. That's OK. We are frustrated as the 1st time it was said, we didn't really think it was funny - but we shrugged it off - imagine if you did not want to trade your rights to become Canadian - yet we kept saying it - it would start to become offensive to you - not because you don't respect us for what we have and our own values - because it would seem as we do not respect you. It becomes an insult - the lack of respect is the insult. We do not blame those of you who are not saying it - we know that 1 group does not represent you all.
But this is why we are getting upset. It is the lack of respect being shown to us by people that think it's funny - and we know that some do not think it is funny - but are serious - so we are taking this serious - as would you I am sure if it continued any times a day for months on end.
Let's get back to celebrating our differences and get rid of the divide!!
Until next time,